Contact Info

Call Center 1442

+968 22639636 or +968 22638268


Bosher, Beside Panorama mall,

Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Sunday - Thursday, 7:30 am - 2:30pm,

Friday & Saturday - CLOSED

معلومات الاتصال

مركز الاتصال ١٤٤٢

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بوشر بجوار بانوراما مول

مسقط، سلطنة عمان

الأحد - الخميس، ٧:٣٠ صباحًا ٢:٣٠ ظهرًا

الجمعة والسبت - مغلق




Within the framework of corporate social responsibility, OWWSC pays great attention to offering training and internship programs for university and college students to enable them enter the labor market in various organizations of the governmental and private sectors.
Human Resources and General Services Division and in cooperation with other Divisions developed a comprehensive training program called “Ta’aziz” in all fields at the company which provides practical training opportunities for students of the year of graduating from universities and colleges in the Sultanate. The program promotes the practical and on job training to acquire core practical competencies besides the theoretical education.

Ta’aziz Program Objectives:

  • Provides students with the necessary practical knowledge.
  • Improves students' practical and scientific capabilities and skills.
  • Prepares students for the job market.
  • Promotes CSR initiatives at OWWSC 




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